Priority 1
Environmental focus across borders
18,899,346 Euro

Specific objective
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
16,360,557 Euro
Infrastructure (including green and blue infrastructure)
Construction / rehabilitation / modernization of infrastructure related to systems/structures dealing with fires, floods, strengthening the banks of rivers, canals, the condition of dams, afforestation of river banks, preservation, revitalization and re-naturalization of water bodies and ecosystems, preservation and restoration of small rivers, including in collaboration with local civil society on both sides of the border.
endowment with necessary equipment to address emergency situations (firefighting equipment, floods, etc.), hardware, software, vehicles, etc.
Common strategies and tools
for hazard management and risk prevention including joint action plans, technical and operational measures meant to ensure real-time coordinated actions, risk plans, intervention procedures, exercises, public awareness campaigns in collaboration with local civil society organisations, elaborating of updated joint operational plans and procedural framework for efficient management and deployment of joint interventions, hydrological monitoring of rivers, water temperature, precipitation measurements, ice regime and other types of monitoring conducted at the initiative of local civil society.
joint training programmes, networking, exchanging experience and knowledge, including raising awareness in the field of efficient risk prevention and management in the cross-border area with the participation of local civil society and volunteers;
Specific objective
Enhancing protection and preservation of nature biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
2,538,789 Euro
Joint projects for the creation/extension of natural reserves in a transboundary context;
improving human and technical capacity and modernizing monitoring equipment of protected areas;
Development of studies, research, common protocols for coordinated implementation on European conventions, joint strategies and plans, trainings and awareness campaigns;
Assessment, protection and improvement of existing ecosystems
(research activities, inventory of resources, protection of endangered species, eradication of invasive species, afforestation etc.);