The project focuses on creating the local capacity system for development and improvement the quality level of the services provided by primary healthcare institutions of Dolyna (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine) and Baia Sprie (Maramures, Romania).
The project aims at improving cross-border healthcare towards a patient-oriented medicine through joint actions over an 18-month period.
The project goal is to restore the historical beauty of the venues where theatrical performances of the Northern Theatre of Satu Mare (Studio Hall) and of Transcarpathian Drama Theatre are played, and to enrich the cross-border cultural life in Satu Mare and Zakarpattia regions.
The project aims at improving access to education and the quality of education, including teaching of minority languages in rural communities located in the Romanian-Ukrainian border area by rehabilitating the educational infrastructure, endowing schools with new technologies, transferring good practices between schools and establishing 2 centres for school and professional counseling and orientation.
The objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in schools with specializations in wood manufacturing through cross-border cooperation, to support creation of new career potential in Maramureș and Kolomyia.
The purpose of the project is the consolidation of the cross border cooperation between authorities involved in the management of natural disasters and increase their capacities to deal with emergency situations for ensuring the safety of the citizens in the cross border area of Siret river basin.
The project's aim is to contribute to the prevention of fire and flood natural and man-made disasters in Botosani County from Romania and Chernivtsi County of Ukraine, at the Romanian-Ukranian border (Concesti, Havarna - Romania and Mamaliga - Ukrain sections).
The general objective of the project is to develop the cooperation between Romania and Ukraine in the field of emergency situation, preparing actions, developing intervention units to increase the capacity of the management and reaction of the interventions in the cases of civil emergency caused by natural or anthropic disasters, in Sarasau Commune and in Solotvino City.
The project aims at improving the safety and security level of the population by increasing the intervention capacity of the emergency services and the structures responsible for carrying out interventions in the eligible area.
The project aims at improving the quality of urgent medical services in Romania-Ukraine cross-border area by minimizing the consequences of unquality diagnostics and strokes.
The project aim is to improve the material base related to the emergencies of medical institutions of the Chernivtsi oblast and Suceava County hospitals by the end of project implementation; to increase the knowledge and practical skills of target groups in emergency medicine through trainings by the end of project implementation.
The project's aim is to increase public and medical staff awareness of risk factors linked to overweight, obesity and diabetes through on-site screening, nutrition counseling and education and personalized health feedback.
The objective of the project is to improve the quality of surgery and current treatment medical services in Romania-Ukraine cross-border area to the average level of EU-countries using common protocols and more effective equipment.